Journals and Conferences

While VAF has an emphasize on wider communication, our research has been published in peer reviewed journals and conferences in parallel.
A Case Study of Farm Ponds in Jharkhand Agrarian Potential of In-Situ Water Harvesting
Despite substantial government expenditure on major and medium irrigation systems, Indian agriculture continues being predominantly rain-fed. But increasing private interventions...
Small Pumps Big Hopes: A Study to Explore the Role of Small Irrigation Pumps in Enhancing the Incomes of Small and Marginal Farmers in the Eastern States of India
Presented at the Global Water Security Conference for Agriculture and Natural Resources An ASABE Global Initiative Conference Organized jointly with the...
Neglected Domestic Chore of Women and Its Health Impacts: An Exploratory Qualitative Study from Rural Maharashtra
ABSTRACT Introduction: In underdeveloped rural areas most of the work is powered by human energy and women need to contribute...
Can Small Engines Lead to Prosperity? Exploring the Role of Small Pumps in Improving Irrigation and Enhancing on Farm Incomes of Small Farmers in Jharkhand
International Conference on Agribusiness in Emerging Economies 2018, TERI School of Advanced Studies Abstract : Despite increase in investments made in...
Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Profile of Bus Drivers in Rural Maharashtra: An Exploratory Comparative Study
Introduction: For effective control of non-communicable disease (NCD) focus on high-risk group is economic but identification of such groups and...
A Study of Bathing Practices among Rural Women in Three districts of Rajasthan
International Conference on Advances in English Studies, Women Empowerment, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences, Carmel College, Goa, 2017 Abstract: Till...
From Sale to Self: A Relook at Kitchen Gardens within Rural Expanses
International Academic Conference IGNOU-AHD2017 “Agriculture and Human Development in India: Indigenous Practices, Scientific views, and Sustainability” held during September 8-9, 2017...
Is small beautiful in irrigation? A study to explore the role of small pumps in increasing on farm incomes in Assam
International Academic Conference IGNOU-AHD2017 “Agriculture and Human Development in India: Indigenous Practices, Scientific views, and Sustainability” held during September 8-9, 2017...
Comparative cross-sectional study for understanding the burden of low back pain among public bus transport drivers
Background: Even though low back pain (LBP) is common, some occupations pose a higher risk. Identifying these occupations and specific factors...
Asbestosis: Past voices from the Mumbai factory floor
Jadhav AV, Roy N. Indian J Occup Environ Med. 2012 Sep;16(3):131-6. doi: 10.4103/0019-5278.111758. Visit publisher